What’s Your Story?
I Want Lessons for my Child
My child wants to learn an instrument or take voice lessons, and I want to support them.
My Instrument Needs Repaired
Bridge Studios.
Lesson Costs are a Challenge
I’m not sure if we could afford lessons right now because of our family’s financial situation.
I Believe in Music Education
I want to help you provide purpose and hope through music in the Titusville community.
I Want to Buy an Instrument
Instrument and accessory purchases help Bridge Studios provide music education in the community.
People like you — along with other businesses, organizations and foundations — have contributed to make this music education outreach possible for our community. We want to say thank you to everyone who has given to Bridge Studios!
“Music is a more potent instrument than any other for education, because rhythm and harmony find their way into the inward places of the soul.”
If you are looking for lessons for your child or for yourself, contact us to let us help you find the right instructor in the Titusville community.
Learning music through vocal or instrument lessons is a great way to help build toward purpose and accomplishment. We want to see our students thrive through appropriate challenges and a continuum of successes.
It’s Never Too Late!
You can learn a new musical skill as an adult. Some of our students have started even in retirement. What youth may have in energy, adults may have in discipline to practice.
One former student in her fifties was amazed that she could learn to play both guitar and piano by ear. Don’t hesitate to invest in yourself!
Help with Lesson Costs
You might feel like lesson costs are unaffordable for your present financial situation. You could be eligible for scholarshipped lessons at a reduced rate thanks to generous donations of local businesses, churches and organizations.
Want to Help?
There are many ways you can partner with us. We are a nonprofit organization, and your gifts are tax-deductible. Not only financial donations, but quality used instruments can possibly help a student, and various times we have work projects that need completed. If you are a music instructor, consider a way you could give of your time and your skill.
If you want to donate financially, click ‘donate’ below. If you have other ways to help, click here to contact us.
You can also help us by shopping at Amazon Smile.
Visit Our Music Store and Cafe!
Instrument purchases and drinks help support our non-profit vision to help make music education accessible. We carry a selection of new and used guitars, ukuleles, accessories and music books. Also, help yourself to coffee with our Nespresso Vertuo Coffee machines.
You can also order music books or Instruments and Accessories through Hal Leonard! Your purchases will help Bridge Studios achieve our mission.
To order instruments and accessories, click on the link, and select “Browse Products“, then “Distributed Instruments and Gear.”
Instrument repairs
Bridge Studios is proud to have Fernwood Music on site to assist you with your instrument’s needs for a tune up or repair.
Visit Fernwood Music by clicking the link below.
Music gives us a language that cuts across the disciplines, helps us to see connections and brings a more coherent meaning to our world.
Contact Us for More Information
Monday 10am – 5pm
Tuesday 10am – 5pm
Wednesday 10am – 5pm
Thursday 1pm – 5pm
Friday 1pm – 5pm